
Video Gallery

Breakthrough Performance Features and Significant Environmental Contributions

Exceptional temperature ratings and more.

iDown Summary

Highest Performance Metrics.

iDown's contribution to Health and Environment

Largest Energy Saving Technology and More.

Highest Level of Down-proof Performance Never Before Seen in the Industry

IDFL Level 5 even after 50 washes.

Innovative Moisture Removal Technology Demo

Dri-Cave Technology

Water Resistance Demo (Medium / Heavy Weight)

No Chemical Treatment

January 2007 – First iPhone launch presentation

Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything

– Steve Jobs

Introducing breakthrough

technologies of HEAT-MX

Sae Chang

Special Announcement

BE GREEN HEROES” is now available on Amazon with a special discount! This book delves into the issues of greenwashing and widespread misinformation, highlighting their harmful effects on genuine environmental efforts. Since the book touches on topics related to textiles, many readers will find it easy to connect their existing knowledge with truly sustainable practices in familiar areas. 

BE(COME) GREEN HEROES and stay informed with accurate, science-based information!